Pro Stat - PRS6320 - Premier Universal Programmable Thermostat Up to 3 Heat / 2 Cool Heat Pump Up to 2 Heat / 2 Cool Conventional
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Product Features:
- Single-stage conventional or heat pump systems
- Multi-stage heat pump systems up to 3 heat/2 cool
- Multi-stage conventional systems up to 2 heat/2 cool
- 2 or 3 wire hydronic zone systems
- 250mv – 750mv millivolt heating systems
Product Features:
- 7 Day, 5-2 Day or Non-Programmable
- Large 5 Sq. In. display with bright blue backlight
- Auto or manual changeover
- Adjustable temperature limits for multi-family housing
- Indoor or outdoor remote sensing
- SpeedSet® programming mode
- Hardwire or battery powered
- Multi-level keypad lockout
- Auxiliary heat fossil fuel option
- Separate user and installer reset buttons
- User selectable service monitors
- Programmable and circulating fan modes
- Programmable extended hold mode
- Adaptive Recovery Mode (ARM™)
- Temporary override limits
- Residential or commercial modes
- Permanent memory retains settings
- Compatible with 2 or 3 wire hydronic zone systems
- Heat pump balance points
- Trilingual packaging and instructions
- ROHS Compliant